
Welcome to the beautiful world of Sufi Poetry performances, Where music and words intertwine to create an enchantigly unique experience. 

Spoken words carry magic. They touch and pierce hearts in ways that are essentially different than words that are sung or read. And when music and words, that carry a deep vibration of truth, are woven into eachother, the experience is hypnotizing and transformative. 

My performances are not just another musical show. They aren’t theatre, or even spoken word accompanied by music. They are a deep dive into an ocean of words, melody and rhtythm, that  take audiences on a beautiful and profound journey.  

My repertoir includes structured performances, created with top musicians as also custom made performances, impromptu concerts and collaborations with onsite artists. 

Join me on this poetic path and discover the delight and magic of words and music that unite to awaken the soul.                                               

The Laughter of God - Celebrating Hafiz

“Laughter is the beautiful sound of a soul waking up” ~Hafiz~

The Laughter of God, is a unique Spoken-Word performance that celebrates the sweet, wild and wonderful poetry of Sufi poet Hafiz.

Join Ellaya and three exceptional musicians for an unforgettable evening of Sufi poetry and ethnic music from around the world. Immerse yourself in the divine words of Hafiz, one of the great poets of the Islamic world, as they are brought to life by Ellaya’s soulful and nuanced delivery. Journey through the corridors of time and space as we travel to Turkey, Armenia, Sudan and beyond, sampling the rich sonic tapestry of different musical traditions from Sephardic psalms to Sudanese rhythms. Each piece is carefully chosen to complement the themes and emotions of Hafiz’s poetry, evoking a range of moods from joy and laughter to tears and contemplation.

As the music and poetry unfold, let your heart soften and spirit soar allowing Ellaya and her fellow musicians to envelop you in the sweet, deep, loving Laughter of God.

Rumi’s Wedding Night

“The way you make love, is the way God will be with you”  ~Rumi~

Rumi’s poems and stories are woven into the narrative of Rumi’s life. An enchantingly beautiful tapestry of words, music and movement, steeped with flavors both ancient and contemporary.

Mesmerizing rhythms and melodies, spoken word, storytelling and whirling, twine into a hypnotizing evening that draws the audience into Rumi’s burning search for the “Beloved”. As the story unfolds, spectators are invited to drink wine, toast, sing, chant, pray and join their human hearts and souls with Rumi’s eternal universal quest for Love.

Rumi’s Wedding Night, can be performed both in Hebrew and English

Love Said to Me

Let the beauty you love be what you do” ~Rumi~

“Love said to me” is a beautiful co-creation with British Kirtan singer Elise Yuille Cohen. Joined by their love of prayer and devotional singing, Elise and Ellaya weave Rumi and Hafiz poetry into mantras, chants and sacred songs. 

Through laughter and lightness to tender sweetness, poignant longing and ecstatic joy, Ellaya and Elise envelop their audience in a magical web of devotional music and poetry that sings to us of the beauty we love. 

Ellaya Ayal Mor : spoken poetry
Elise Yuill Cohen: vocals, harmonium, guitar

Fountain Within

Healing sound\poetry journeys

"There is a fountain within you.
Why walk around with an empty bucket?" Rumi

A deep meditative journey guided by the powerful poignant words of Rumi and Hafiz. Weaving the words of these two masters into intuitive silence and sounds produced by musician friends, Ellaya takes listeners through the various phases of the soul’s journey. Moving through the different shades of union and separation, joy and pain, love and loss, the words of Rumi and Hafiz lead participants through the alleyways and avenues of the heart, opening hidden channels into the deep eternal fountain that bubbles from within

Embracing the Beloved

Sufi Poetry Workshops

“Become living poetry”  ~Rumi~

The poems of Rumi and Hafiz are living entities to be tasted, spoken, felt, moved and breathed from within. Using voice, movement, meditation, imagination and other forms of expression, this workshop offers participants a deep, intimate and playful encounter with the poetry of Rumi and Hafiz.

Let the beauty you love, be what you do ~Rumi~

Reach out to me. I would love to bring the beauty of Sufi poetry to your venue.

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